Anti-Spam for IPB forum

Control and manage anti-spam. 100% spam protection.

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The benefits of anti-spam plugin

Protection against spam bot registrations

Hook uses a series of tests on registrations and messages to filter spam bots on the IPB forum.

Protection from manual spam

For manual spam filtration mod evaluates the relevance of text messages according to the subject and the content of the forum. Relevance is determined by keyword and topic of each keyword separately. The function works for messages in Russian and English languages.

No Captcha, no questions, no puzzles, etc.

CleanTalk eliminates the need for CAPTCHA, questions&answers and other ways which use complicated communication methods for spam protection on your site. Invisible to the visitors, spam protection has a positive effect on the loyalty of the site's audience.

Stop-words list for posts on the forum

Censored MOD allows you to filter messages containing stop-words (sends to manual moderation). In addition, messages containing obscene or rude words are automatically sent to moderation.

How does the antispam hook work?

Protection against spam bot registrations
To protect the board from registration of spam bots and spam in forum topics, the hook intercepts new user regististrations or creation of a new message. It builds an array of data describing registration (Nickname, Email address, IP address, time zone used, JavaScript support, the time spent filling out the form) and sends this data to one of the servers in the pool

The server analyzes the data and sends the result - disable/enable registration, or publish/disable post.