SpamFireWall Test


In order to check whether the SpamFireWall works, you should go to the site with additional parameters in the address bar:

mysite .com - the address of your site.

It is important to make a transition from your browser without established "Cookie" to the audited site. You could use incognito mode for this pupose.

Use this manual to enable incognito mode in your web-browser.


Then you will be redirected to the page SpamFireWall lock. It should look similar to this:

SpamFireWall Block Page


And then, after a few seconds you will be redirected to the home page of your website.

If that happened, then SpamFireWall is active and working normally.

If not, then:

- make sure the SpamFireWall option is enabled in the plugin settings,

- then click “Synchronize with Cloud” (for WordPress) or the save plugin settings button (for other CMS),

- wait a few minutes (if you have a lot of entries in your personal SpamFireWall lists, it may take longer),

- run the test again or try running the test in incognito mode in your browser.



If you have not found the answer to your question, you are welcome to contact our support team:



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